Little Wonder

Do you remember being a child and seeing something for the first time? Remember the awe and absolute wonder of learning how things work and grow and just, well, exist? In Little Wonder, we discover (and share) all the magic that can be found on this lil’ planet of ours, just like it’s the first time. This whimsical and celebratory multi-player tale is part Rubik’s Cube meets Katamri Forever meets funny YouTube videos meets Nat Geo. Centered around the Earth, our interactions reveal petite sensations of awe (from the beginning of time to present day). These miniature tableaus and interactive vignettes, celebrate unique and joyfully contagious moments in nature and humankind. These scenes are emotive, funny and inspiring, each one reactive to our curiosity and movement.

In 2019, I was fortunate to receive development funding from Magic Leap to discover how my concept Little Wonder might flourish in the “Magicverse”. During our 15 week development, we pushed the boundaries of the hardware and created original art, animation, music, and some sick dev trickery to create a 5 minute piece. We focused on how the narrative and audience could play together by utilizing hand and eye tracking along with gesture control. We packed in allot including: Particle spatial design, Positional audio, IK System, String + Balloon physics, microphone input, surface regonition. Lots of meatballs. The above video highlights a vignette involving a little singing wonder. Below are more examples of what we accomplished and some temptations of the larger story.


We also had the pleasure of creating an interactive holiday card for Magic Leap that year.

Expo 2020 >